Can you believe how gorgeous this nursery is? Whether you’re a mother or not, you absolutely need to visit Joni’s new blog, Lay Baby Lay, where she aims to understand the new role of motherhood she’s been blessed with while also sharing how to surround your little ones with beautiful and inspirational pieces. I was immediately smitten with her nursery when I saw it on Somewhere Splendid and couldn’t help notice that Joni’s new baby girl and I have the same name! It’s not every day you meet a Vivien ( unless it’s The Fresh Prince of Belair – Aunt Viv anyone?). And of course, her daughter is simply precious!

Be sure to visit Lay Baby Lay and give Joni and Vivi a shout out. I have no idea how she juggles new-found motherhood, her design work and a blog, but she does it with grace and such a good design eye.  Definitely head over to Chocolate Butterbean if you’d like to see more of her work.

{all photos by Lay Baby Lay – thanks so much Joni!}