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So I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I was working on a few shenanigans for my fave bloggers, well you’ll get to see exactly what I was up to in today’s post. Sorry it’s a total “me with this person” and “me with that person” picture post, but I was so excited to meet all these wonderful faces that I had to get a photo.

Meet Ashley Meaders, the world’s coolest event planner (aka my favorite event planner). Ashley was one of the warmest people I met at Alt. Her portfolio is extraordinary and I can literally get lost in it because everything is so creative and colorful. My favorite event of hers was Max and Margeux Wanger’s wedding (could that swing be more dreamy!) , but everything she touches turns into event gold.

MY SHENANIGAN: I brought a chalkboard to take photos with Ashley and Joy! Honestly, I hoped it would help them remember me better, plus I had so many ideas whirling through my head since I won the ticket that I wanted to try to bring as many things to fruition as I could. Portable chalkboard for photos, check!

Danni Hong from Oh, Hello Friend! She is as sweet and approachable as you’d hope for her to be. I loved meeting her and asking her about her newly married life and look forward to doing a double date with her Nick the next time Jon and I are in LA to visit my brother and sister-in-law.

MY SHENANIGAN: If you follow her blog you know she likes doilies so I went the natural route of a doily photograph!

OHHHHHHH JOYYYY! Yes, I was excited to meet her. Yes, I jumped at the chance to shake her hand and take a photo. No, I wasn’t too creepy and weird around her. Yes, I’m lying and I was probably a little weird, BUT it was worth it because after seeing her three days in a row she knew by name. Yippee!

MY SHENANIGAN: The chalkboard again. The gold polka dots on the tissue pom-pom in the corner was an added touch because Joy loves polka dots.

Melanie Blodgett from You Are My Fave. Mel e-mailed me back and forth before the conference and really put to rest a lot of my anxieties. She is great at e-mailing if you ever have a question or comment to share.

MY SHENANIGAN: I mean, go to her site and you’ll know in five seconds how much Melanie likes bunting. This was the project I was working on at the coffee shop the evening before. Jon and I were exhausted and wanting to leave the coffee shop earlier, but I had simply had to finish this little craft project and I’d say it was well worth it. Mel even asked to keep the bunting. Hooray!

{ Lisa from With Style & Grace, Danni, me, and Kathleen from Twig & Thistle }

I was basically looking for Kathleen from Twig and Thistle a good portion of the conference, but didn’t know what she looked like exactly. I put my stuff down at a random table for the closing keynote speaker and went to the restroom and when I got back I found myself seated next to Mrs. Twig & Thistle herself! I was SO excited! Kathleen was a great conversationalist and as good of a designer as she is, she is very humble about her work. In this picture we’re waiting in line to be the first 50 people to win a Kate Spade goodie bag and to meet….

THE GIRLS WITH GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!! (plus their friend Promise who had the most voluptuous hair a girl could ever wish for) For those early readers of TEL (i.e. Jon, Kristen & parents) you may have remembered a post on The GWG Show where I drooled over every frock they modeled in their stop motion video. Well, I would’ve never guessed that I’d have to opportunity to meet them 8 months later! And I have to tell you that very similar to every other blogger I’ve introduced today, they were so joyful, warm, fun and genuine. I didn’t get a chance to meet Brooke until right before the party the GWG was hosting and she spoke with intentionality, good eye contact and greeted you with a huge smile. How can you not like someone like that?

So that sums up the blogger biggies I met at the conference. Stay tuned for more Alt goodness and expect a couple of other posts that don’t relate to the conference, promise!

{a big thanks goes to my conference buddy Lisa from My Little Buffalo who was amazing enough to take most of these photos for me!}

There are a lot of cute advent calendar ideas online, but this is probably one of my favorites because it combines great patterned boxes with typography. What a lovely pair they make! If I had the energy to make one this year I would fill the boxes with these yummy treats: Sour Patch Watermelons, Miniature Snickers and Reeses, Ferrero Rochers, anything covered in white chocolate, and caramel Kisses. You’ll have to excuse me, I have the sudden urge to go purchase six bags of candy (you think I’m kidding? you probably don’t know me that well =). {by Envelopments via Pinterest}

Here are seven things that have brought a smile to my face this week:

1. A candid photo of Mr. Jordan teaching! He makes such an adorable teacher.

2. Visiting Jon’s family to watch Jay, Jon’s 16 year old little brother, play trumpet at his high school football game. Hands down, cutest trumpet player there! Oh and most talented as well. =)

3.Jon and I were having one of those car rides home from Houston where we couldn’t stop car singing and dancing! Of course it’s one of my fave things (EVER) so I simply couldn’t resist photographing it (admittedly, slightly posed). It was as if every song was hand picked to get our bodies moving. I praise the Lord for these little moments of pure joy in our marriage.

4. My “secret” snack drawer at school filled with goodies from fellow teacher! It’s only reason #345 why I like Halloween: lots of free candy.

5. Cooking all morning with my mommy. In the photos we’re making turkey and veggie stuffed puff pastries brushed with a little egg on top to give it a nice browning when it cooks. Yum!

6. Jon and I helped our wonderful college friends, Luis and Vy,celebrate their 26th birthday last weekend. Being the creative and super fun people that they are, they had planned to begin the half day birthday celebration with a kickball game, but when it began to rain they decided we’d all make it good’ol wet game of kickball! Vy and I were reluctant at first, (of course Jon was already out in the rain like an adorable little kid) but quickly jumped in and we couldn’t stop laughing at all the hilarious mistakes everyone was making while slipping and sliding everywhere. Vy & Luis – you guys are awesome and our lives are enriched by your spirit to do activities out of the ordinary! More to come on this b-day celebration.

7. Lastly, I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who were kind enough to communicate to me these past few weeks that you are enjoying the blog. I’ve received two uplifting e-mails from sort of distant friends and a few comments from complete strangers and friends that have encouraged me in my blogging and design work. You have no idea how wonderful it is to receive even a little feedback and to know that you may have been inspired or encouraged or even been made teary-eyed by what I’ve posted (the dad post!). I cherish your thoughtfulness by taking the time to let me know you’ve enjoyed it and I appreciate your support in this side endeavor of mine. I read how bloggers are impacted by their readers all the time, but it’s a neat experience to be on the other side. You guys are great (all five of you!) and I hope you enjoy what The Eclectic Life is now and what it is becoming (online dessert store? j/k).  Thank you again!

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