Please forgive me for posting about this party, yet again, but I couldn’t resist sharing these fun photographs with you. This idea was completely influenced by the blogs and event designers that I follow (I feel like those bloggers are my creative community even though they don’t know who I am) and after this experience, I don’t see why more parties don’t have a photo booth. It’s free, it’s loads of fun and it’s a blast to look through the photographs after the event. For instance, let me give you four reasons why you should have a photo booth at your next shindig:

Because your close friends will do great stuff like this! What I love most about this (besides Kristen’s adorable top) is how well Kristen knows me and loves me through the effort she put in these photographs (and the hilarity on the chalkboard bubbles). I highly encourage you to set up a tripod, a simple backdrop and some props and have a ball. You won’t regret it!

Want to see more pictures from the photo booth? Click here!

Chalkboard DIY tutorial by Jordan Ferney can be found here.

Want to get inside my head and see how I organized my ideas and inspirations (all four pages of them) to plan this party? Click here!